Our precious Caroline has been home for almost 3 weeks. These are photos from her 1st week at home. We were so excited to bring her home on time. It was really heartbreaking to leave our little Will in NICU at the hospital last July. So, bringing her home was really wonderful and kind of scary all at the same time. When we brought Will home, he was almost 3 weeks old and on a feeding/sleeping schedule. Caroline was a clean slate. Like most parents, Mike and I had to figure it all out and work out all the details. I just keep remembering everything the nurses taught us with Will. Even though Caroline was not in the NICU, she was still a 36-week preemie and tiny. We had to do alot of the same things with her, only at home, with no nurses to hold our hands. With a 10-month old at home, it has certainly been challenging and rewarding.

The wonderful wheelchair ride to the car.

She just had to wear that precious bonnet, even if it did seem to swallow her head. My poor little Caroline, it seemed as though the car seat buckle might choke her. It is so difficult to fit a 5 pound baby in a car seat.
Look at those eyes. She studies everything carefully.
Michelle was waiting at home for us with Will. She sweetly talked to Caroline during a diaper change.
Having some "awake" time with the family.
My stepmother, Cheryl, "Gram" to the babies, came up all the way from south Louisiana. She stayed with us for a week after we came home. She cooked good Louisiana food, helped with the house and loved on my precious Will and Caroline. She was an incredible help!
Will had to check on his little sister.
Sleeping like a little angel.
Caroline was starting to cry, so her big brother crawled over to offer comfort, at least I'd like to think so. I was close by just in case his comforting turned into a hit on the head.
Okay, it can be done. It doesn't happen often, but on rare occasions their feeding times overlap. Even though Mike was home, I decided to try to feed them both by myself. Caroline is getting a bottle and Will is being fed baby food. Mike was nearby to document the event.
Octopus hands would come in handy at a time like this.
She's so beautiful! I love the picture of her with her eyes wide open- they are amazing blessings in our lives, aren't they? Your sweet pictures make me anxious to bring home our new little girl, scheduled to arrive on July 7th! I remember trying to feed Michael and James at the same time! :)
Kevin, Stacy, Michael, James, and Anna (baby Ruth Elizabeth to arrive soon!)
GIRL...that is the ultimate of multi-tasking...all you needed to be doing next was washing dishes or something! :) You look wonderful!
Oh Anne Marie, Caroline is just so beautiful and Will looks like he's enjoying her and already being a great big brother to her. Oh I know you must be so busy but these days will fly by and we'll wonder how they grew up so fast? I am so happy for you and Mike with your precious family. Your children are just adorable! Can't wait to hold her one day!
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