The week after Caroline and I came home from the hospital, sweet Cheryl came to stay with us for a week to help with the babies. She is my dad's wife of 13 years and a precious addition to our family.
A week later, she came back with my father for a short visit. It has been a real blessing to get to know her and my dad all over again. And, they brought fresh shrimp and crawfish from Louisiana. There's nothing better! You just can't find Louisiana seafood here in NC, and ohhh, how I've missed it!

Before you eat crawfish, you gotta peel' em! And these were spicy!
Daddy holding his new granddaughter.
He pretty much did this the entire visit! Too cute!
Cheryl, doing one of the things she does best, COOKING!
Grammy and her newest angel.

Proud PawPaw!
Can't you just imagine, she's already asking for things!
Sleepy Will getting sugars from Grammy
Loving my PawPaw!
Cheryl, Dad, Me, Will and Caroline
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