When I hold my son, Will, and soon, Caroline, I recall the songs my mother sang, and the silly nicknames she called us as children. On occasion, I refer to her as Grandma Cindy, especially when my great-grandmother's clock chimes or Will sees her picture in a frame. As they grow up, I will fill their hearts with stories of their precious grandmother, so that, although they never knew her, they will in some way, know her. If she were here, she would spoil them beyond measure. I have a feeling that their Grandmother Renee, Aunts, Cousins, my sweet Step-Mother Cheryl, and close friends will take care of the spoiling.
Our daughter is expected this Wednesday, May 14th. She will be given the name, Caroline Golden. We chose Caroline, because she is a southern girl! Her middle name is in honor of her grandmother Cindy, great-grandmother, Beulah and great, great-grandmother, Wilma. It's a lovely, precious way to honor the women who came before her.
So, as my 1st Mother's Day approaches...and I find myself with an incredible son and expecting our new, beautiful daughter in just a few days, I honor my own mother, her strength, and her memory.
Kicking up her heals at a country music concert. Love that pink, foam cowboy hat!
Pictures of my first moments as a mother with Will. He was so tiny and vulnerable then. Quite different from today. I know my mom has been there throughout and will be there on Wednesday when we welcome little Caroline.
Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Will.
What a beautiful post, Anne Marie! I know your Mother would be so proud of the woman you have become and I'm sure she would be so happy for you that you have been so blessed with Mike, Will and Caroline too. I have been thinking about you non-stop over here in Germany and will be praying for you girl as you have Caroline tomorrow. Oh I wish I could be there to see her and give you a big hug too. Looking forward to having a playdate with our youngins' one day. Love ya, Vonda
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