This past month, we drove the long drive from Illinois down south to New Orleans. We always go at least once a year. I desperately want the babies to know the city and learn to love it's charms. We were also there to attend Grand Assembly, which is the annual statewide meeting of the Rainbow Girls. When I was in my late teens, I had the pleasure and honor of leading this wonderful service organization. So, going back each year is always wonderful and truly like seeing family that I have known forever. This year, was especially emotional, because the babies were formally dedicated to a life of love and service to others in a beautiful ceremony.
While in New Orleans, once again, we tried to do it all in what Mike has come to call my "whirl wind tour of Louisiana." We never have enough time to see everyone, but we certainly try. Our itinerary included the Audubon Zoo, a formal banquet at Grand, the Children's Museum, then a visit to my mother's and grandmother's graves to place flowers, to Aunt Margaret's house, the baby dedication and finally back in the car to head home. Of course, we had to slip in a quick trip to the grocery store so I could load up on 20 pounds of Cajun sausage and foods for cooking back in Illinois. The babies even got to eat their first crawfish while at the store.
My sweet family at the opening banquet at Grand. They wore matching outfits with
crawfish smocking and Caroline had a
crawfish bow. So cute!
My sleepy little crawfish.
Look mommy, no hands! Still loving her crawfish hairbow.
Daddy heading upstairs to put babies to bed so I could attend the meeting. Oh, I love him so!
Angela Cocran, (just past Grand Worthy Advisor) and past GWA's. I love these ladies and am honored to be in their ranks.

We went to the zoo with our sweet friends Danielle and Brad and their lovely kids, Abigail and Noah. We all road the carousel which was an absolute hit with Will and Caroline.

It was H-O-T!!! 99 degrees w/ 100% humidity. Mike and I worked to keep the kids shaded and cool with cold, wet baby wipes. Caroline loved having one on her forehead.

Will has seen an elephant many times in a book, but never in person. He was in awe and loved it when they sprayed water with their trunks.

My little southern belle with her southern momma! My hat was a bargain find at Target...a little large, but completely necessary in that sun.

Our wonderful white tiger.
Ahhh, sleep. Too hot to move.

Danielle and her beautiful daughter, Abigail.

My climbing fish loved the playground.

Will coming down the slide with Noah right behind.

Walking to the Children's Museum. I was so tickled when I looked at Mike pushing the double stroller surrounded by my friend Laura's 4 children. I don't think he's ever been in the middle of so many kids. He looked like a daddy duck with his little ducklings. I just love that man!

What a great picture! Four Past Grand Worthy
Advisor's of LA Rainbow and our precious children. We all had a great time at the Children's Museum. I would love to do it again, and again. Can't wait to see them next year. It is going to be so sweet to see these girlfriends and their kids every year. I know that their children and mine will become friends over the years and across the miles. Kind of like cousins, growing up together. Makes my heart swell.

Playing with magnetic gears. They loved the museum and I loved the freedom of being able to say "go play, explore and touch everything!" And, it was air conditioned!
Whoo hoo.

My little police man and his trusty partner.

Oh, my sweet Caroline. Back in the south, where little girls where
hairbows all the time.

Will and
Lilea playing engineer with the train set. They were really cute together.

Beautiful Abigail. A great big sister to Noah.

Caroline and
Lilea adored playing on the climbing pit. Caroline couldn't get enough of it.

Will and Noah played very well together. They are only a month apart. They'll be buddies for a long time to come.

Crashing the cars is the most fun!
The Golden Girls! My cousins Genny and Dani, Aunt Margaret and Aunt Melanie with the babies. Mom and Grandma would be so proud!

The baby dedication. Aunt Margaret held Caroline and I held squirmy Will. I asked the
Bucceri sisters,
Cybble, Roxanne and Nelda to join us for the ceremony as they are like family in every way except by blood.
During the ceremony, they played the song by Martina McBride, "In My Daughter's Eyes," which of course made me bawl. I grew up being told stories of my days as baby at Rainbow events. It was very full circle to have my own children there with my aunt. I look forward to sharing these stories with my children, especially Caroline, when they are older. It was incredibly moving and special.

Will found his first
Mardi Gras bead.

She was so good while waiting for the ceremony to start.

I made her a rainbow ruffle diaper cover. So, when her dress flipped up, you saw a rainbow. Everyone loved it and I know my family in heaven was smiling.

Taking steps with a little help, and one shoe.
Aunt Margaret holding Caroline, very much the same way she held me when I was a baby. Aunt Margaret was my mother's sister and always there.

Time to go. The babies enjoyed watching and waving "bye bye" to all of the cars in the hotel parking lot while Mike loaded the luggage.

Just a sampling of all of the STUFF we had to bring with us. It's getting a little easier to travel with the kids, but we still seem to bring the whole house. It was worth every minute, though. Already looking ahead to next year in Shreveport, LA!
1 comment:
I found your blog by searching "10-months apart". Your children are beautiful and the looking at the pictures brought peace to my heart...
My first born is only two months old and I just found out I'm pregnant again. I have cried all day and I was wondering if you could talk some sense into me when you get a chance?
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