Friday, November 21, 2008

Caroline and Will

A few days before our trip to VA, we had pictures taken of Caroline and Will. Here are just a few. Everytime I look at these precious children, I thank God for the blessing of them. I tell them all the time, that I must be the luckiest mommy in the world. Of course, I am a little biased.

All southern girls must wear a bow! At least, we think so!

She looks like a plump piece of bubblegum!

Love that tongue sticking out!

We tried to get them together for a picture. This is as good as we could do.

Now for the family picture, Will trying to squirm away and Daddy holding on tight!

Finally, take the picture quick Mr. Photographer!

1 comment:

Vonda said...

ABSOLUTELY ADORBABLE, and hey I'm impressed that you got that last pix...Ella Rose is very much the same...little Miss Wiggleworm!