If you look closely, you can see the baby's hand and fingers just above the nose. Too cute! And......
It looks like our new sweetheart will be able to use these precious pink shoes. It's a girl!!! I cried with joy when the technician told us. Mike will proudly tell you that he knew it was a girl all along. He will have a daddy's little girl and I will have someone to teach how to cook, knit and dress in bows. And even better, she will have a wonderful, big brother, Will, to look after her. We couldn't be more thrilled.
In three weeks, I will be seeing a high-risk maternity specialist for a detailed, in-depth ultrasound. However, there is nothing for us to worry about. Because of Will's premature birth, the doctors are just being extra cautious and watching the pregnancy closely. We thank you in advance for your kind and loving thoughts and prayers.
I just gasped reading your email. YIPPEE! I am so happy for you Anne Marie...Will and this baby girl are gonna have a blast together and you are going to have so much fun dressing her up and honey don't forget the bows for her hair. Blessings to you! Love ya -V
YEAH! We are excited at the coming arrival of your little Miss Savage! Christina & Trevor
Wooooohooooo!!!!!! I'm soooo excited for you. Beyond thrilled - little girls are sooo much fun..the bows, the cute cute clothes, the drama (yes..it comes early!), and watching daddy with "his little girl" is a blast! Congratulations! (disclaimer: now that I have a boy too..i think boys are fun too!)
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