Santa came, mommy! Of course, Will is too little to really care, but it was fun to imagine him in a couple of years. He is just starting to get the idea that there is something under the bows and paper.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Getting ready for Santa
It's almost time for Santa. I don't know who is more excited, little Will (who really could care less) or his momma and daddy. It is so fun to share the holiday for the first time with our new little man. I couldn't resist setting him in front of the Christmas tree for pictures.
Friday, December 21, 2007
It's a baby girl
Here is an ultrasound of our newest baby expected in May. We had a brief ultrasound this morning. You could call it an early Christmas present. The baby has a perfect little profile and looks to be in great health with a strong heartbeat.
If you look closely, you can see the baby's hand and fingers just above the nose. Too cute! And......
It looks like our new sweetheart will be able to use these precious pink shoes. It's a girl!!! I cried with joy when the technician told us. Mike will proudly tell you that he knew it was a girl all along. He will have a daddy's little girl and I will have someone to teach how to cook, knit and dress in bows. And even better, she will have a wonderful, big brother, Will, to look after her. We couldn't be more thrilled.
In three weeks, I will be seeing a high-risk maternity specialist for a detailed, in-depth ultrasound. However, there is nothing for us to worry about. Because of Will's premature birth, the doctors are just being extra cautious and watching the pregnancy closely. We thank you in advance for your kind and loving thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Our home during the holidays
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas around here. Since this is our last Christmas in this house, it is a special one. We are planning to move to North Carolina, near the GA state line sometime in January. We will be living on the lake! Our new address and info will be sent via regular mail in the near future.
Daily Essentials
All in a day's work!
Play Time: Will is becoming more and more active. He is 5 1/2 months old now and is discovering the joy of play! He loves playing in his exersaucer. He always aims to get everything in his mouth. Teeth must be on their way. Maybe Santa will bring a tooth for Christmas.
Bath Time: Not everyday, but definitely needed tonight. He seems to love bath time and has never cried. However, he's not a fan of hair washing.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Happy Hanukkah
This past Saturday, we had our Hanukkah dinner at our home. It was wonderful to have Mike's mom and dad and my cousin Genny there. Will even sat at the table with everyone. The menu included: Beignets (fried New Orlean's style donuts), Beef Tenderloin, Scalloped Potatoes, Broccoli Cheese Casserole, steamed cauliflower, Latkes and Applesauce and finally homemade Caramel Apple Cheesecake. YUM!
Will was just hanging back wondering what all the fuss was about.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Seeing Santa Claus
What I want for Christmas...
Will went to see Santa Claus for the 1st time yesterday. While he's only 5 months old, he seemed to really enjoy it. Santa was able to make him laugh. It was really so precious to see.
Will told Santa that he wanted some toys to chew on and a new baby sister in the spring. Santa said he would see what he could do.
This Santa was great. He gave out Lindt chocolates. Mommy had to eat them for Will. Tee hee hee.
Zooming with Daddy
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Morning in New Orleans
Coffee and Beignets! No stop through New Orleans is complete without a morning of coffee and beignets at Cafe Du' Monde in the French Quarter. It was chilly that day, so once we got a seat inside, powdered sugar called our names!
For me, it was really special to take Will to the city that I love so much. I look forward to the days when he is older and I can show him some of the rich historical places. I know he will grow to love it as much as I do.
Mike, Will and I in Jackson Square
Will had a lovely encounter with a mule.
This is Will's favorite way to travel. He uses Mike's thumbs as gear shifts.
Mmmmm. Beignets!
A morning meltdown during breakfast.
For me, it was really special to take Will to the city that I love so much. I look forward to the days when he is older and I can show him some of the rich historical places. I know he will grow to love it as much as I do.
Powdered sugar accidently fell on Will's head. He's our own little beignet!
After breakfast, we had to stop for some freshly made pralines to take back to GA.
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