Mike's parents came this Sunday to visit with us. Will is their first and so-far, only grandchild. They try to come and visit every two weeks. Each time they come, they remark about how much Will has changed. He is smiling and cooing a lot more these days. Will loves his grandma, but definitely has grandpa wrapped around his finger.
It's always hard for Grandma to let go of Will when it is time to go home.
On Saturdays, well actually Thursday - Monday, football reigns supreme at our house. Our little Will has discovered a love of the game. We know that he doesn't really know what he is watching, but it sure was funny to see Will and Daddy so focused on the LSU-v-Alabama. Of course LSU won! We are trying to teach him the important things early. Note Will's teddy bear slippers. Too cute!!!
Disclaimer: We don't like for him to watch T.V. but we gave in for 5 minutes of football.

On Saturday, we were treated to a wonderful visit from a dear old friend, Laura and her sweet son, Jared (15 mths). I had the privilige of teaching with Laura several years back and we have been friends ever since. The sweetest news is that she is pregnant, too, and due in March. It's fun anticipating the birth of our 2nd child together.

Will seems to love having his picture taken.
It was fun to watch Jared respond to Will. He kept looking and looking at him. Will is starting to teeth, so he readily puts his mouth on the closest thing around. This time, it was Jared's shoulder.
Jared is kissing Will. Will was not that happy about all of his affection.
Will seems to love having his picture taken.
Oh I know Will's Grandma & Grandpa must have thoroughly enjoyed their time with little Will! I looked for the Teddy Bear slippers and couldn't find them??? Love ya -V
Great work.
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