William David is my father's first grandson. He has other granddaughters from my half-sister, Tonja. Will seemed to take right to his grandpa.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Dinner with Dad
William David is my father's first grandson. He has other granddaughters from my half-sister, Tonja. Will seemed to take right to his grandpa.
A visit to New Orleans
An essential stop was at Becnel's farmer's market for some Louisiana Satsumas. (Satsuma: a small, seedless, sweet tangerine like fruit that peels in one piece. Yummy!) We had to get several bags to bring back to folks in Georgia. I've been eating them like candy since we've been home.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving Dinner
On the road for Thanksgiving
I know Will was thinking that he would live the rest of his life in a carseat. Travel is tough on a little one.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
4 months old
Will looks like he is about to take off!
Will was starting to get tired of pictures.

Will has had enough! No more smiling, no more dreidel, no more pictures!
Here is our sweet little gift under the tree!
And this is my favorite picture!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sweet visits from friends and grandparents!
Will seems to love having his picture taken.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Our 1st Halloween with Will!
This is a picture of Will with our sweet neighbors Tammie and her son, Zac. He was dressed as a dinosaur! Tommie and Tammie have 3 wonderful children, Zac, Kenzie and Kaitlin. They are such a blessing to us!
Will is a pooped peapod! Out like a light.
This is a picture of our home for the evening. It wasn't fancy, but it looked beautiful. We put out our pumpkins and had lumineries light the way to the front door.