One Proud Papa!

Soon, Will will be 3 mths old. So, we thought it was time to take him out in the Mini. We had to buy another car seat that is much smaller to fit in the backseat. Anne's cousin, Genny, who is in graduate school at UGA, joined us for the day. We drove about 15 miles north to Lake Russell. The weather was beautiful...clear skies and crisp fall air. "Top down weather" as Mike would say. We packed lunches, buckled Will in the car and hit the road. Mike took the curves with the zeal of a little kid. And Will, he just slept the whole way there. Aunt Genny, "G" as Mike calls her, had a great time as well. She is definitely falling in love with our little man!

This is Will on the drive.

This is Will when Mike hit a fast curve!

Awwww, momma!

Aunt G is confused! An LSU cap, with a UGA shirt!
haha The Tigers were on top of the Dawgs... but i still say I wont convert and Will will be a tiger! It was a lot of fun though!! Even though the swings made us a little sick.
I thought Genny was never going to hold Will. I guess thinks change. Genny you will always be a tiger. Aunt Debi says Hi
Oh Will looks like he was having about as much fun as you say Mike was having. :) What a cutie patootie! It was great seeing y'all at The Varsity...thanks again for driving so far. Love ya -V
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