Ever since the death of my mom back in 2005, this day has made me heart a little tender. This year was no different, especially when I look at my little Caroline. I see her and then leap back to when I was younger during my teen years with mom. I was no angel. Enough said. And then, the years in my 20's and how she and I became friends. I look at my children, and I remember her. I see my mother and grandmother in my mothering and swell with pride. Sometimes, being a motherless, mother is a lonely journey, but I just do the very best I can and rely on their wisdom over the years and then I know, that Caroline and Will are going to be just fine.
No one is perfect, but my grandmother and mother did a great job. Mom always wished I would get payback when I had children, well...quite often, I am certain that a little laughter can be heard from heaven when Caroline or Will drive me crazy. So, today, I honor their memory and thank God for my beautiful children and the joy they bring.
The day began with a great breakfast at a local
restaurant and surprises from the children and Mike. I was given one of those musical cards. Caroline absolutely loved it. She is my little dancer. Below is a video of her opening and closing the card and dancing to the song, "Some kind of wonderful." It's
soooo funny, because her face looks so serious while she bops along. I love it. Make sure your volume is on!
After lunch, Will gave me an unexpected present. When I went into the nursery to get them up from nap, he was on top of his crib rail with one foot reaching into a nearby drawer. Oh, my word! We were not ready for that. So, Mike got busy securing furniture to the wall and turning his crib into a toddler daybed. We've entered a whole new world! He thinks he now has the freedom to roam around the nursery, empty all of the clothing drawers, aggravate his sister and steal her pacifiers, only to throw them across the room. He's even working on climbing into
Caroline's crib. What fun!

Later in the afternoon, we attended a Mother's Day cookout with a local family.

Caroline was quick to steal a look at a police car that Will was playing with. Thankfully, it didn't belong to us and we left it there...it was complete with lights and sirens!

It was a beautiful day, so Mike and I played in the yard with the kids.
Will loves being in constant motion.

Caroline was still unsure about the grass.

Oh, if only they would sit still for one picture together.

His new favorite thing to do, fill the bushes with rocks!

Loving my angel!

All in the same day, we found a
bird nest built very low to the ground. We only took a peek, no touching. It was sweet to see on Mother's Day.

The momma bird was watching close by.

Almost bed time. "Can't we PLEASE go outside one more time!"