Hello everybody! It's been a little busy around here, so I've been unable to get to the blog. Both of the babies have been sick for the past 2 weeks. The first week they were ill, I was in the E.R. in the middle of the night with Will on Tuesday and Caroline on Thursday, both with high fevers that turned out to be bad ear infections. They are still running low-grade fevers and Will is on his second round of antibiotics. We're praying and hoping for a quick recovery for both of them soon. Two infants are sometimes hard to handle, but two sick infants has been tough. Overall, no complaints, we have two precious babies that are healthy and happy. We couldn't ask for more. Just maybe a little more sleep.
In an effort to catch everyone up, here is the first of a few posts that have a variety of pictures and activities.
Here she is at 3 months. Smiling even bigger!
I'm so proud, this is the first dress that I have made for her. My late mother, would been sewing like a fool for the babies. So, I will try to do as much as I can, as she did for me, when I was young.
One of my new favorite
past times is to go shopping for baby clothes at kid consignment sales. I get the best deals of clothing that was hardly ever worn. I'm very picky and unfortunately have expensive taste. This way, I can feed that desire without breaking the bank. Tee

This is our loot from the first sale. We purchased clothes for fall and winter for both Will and Caroline.

Both passed out, while momma checked out.

Dinner after...Will flirted with everyone, naturally!

So silly.

A 1st picture of Will and Caroline together. Will looked sweet trying to hold her hand, until...

He joyfully smacked her on the head!

Gram and
PawPaw from Louisiana sent this teddy bear to Will. He's clung to it ever since. He sleeps with it, and it has to go everywhere. It's so darn cute.