Will and I took a trip "into town" (Atlanta) for a couple of dr. appointments, shopping and pictures. My doctor does not allow children, so Michelle met us there and watched Will while I was seen. I had an ultrasound and all is well with our little baby girl. Our c-section is scheduled for May 14th.

Michelle and Will waited in the parking lot while I had some blood work drawn. Will passed out.

Michelle's husband, Chris, came home from his work as an E.R. nurse, just in time to snuggle.
The next day, Will's grandma and I took him to have his 8 month pictures taken. He's not crawling yet, but he flips over like a fish. It was hard for the photographer to keep him still. You can tell in the photos that he is having a good time.

Oh, my goodness, this is one of my favorites!

A picture taken to show Will and Mommy and baby sister on the way.
My sweet little man!

Ready for spring!

Do you see my two teeth on the bottom?